Jan-Hendrik Groenewald



Bathrooms seems taboo to all of us and so we don’t talk a lot; however, they’re a part of our lives.

To keep it clean after we use them is an important thing, we should be aware. There are so many kinds of bathrooms around the world, such as squatter toilets or public toilets with cheery voice in Japan. The writer thinks the bathroom is a place that we use for personal hygiene. Therefore, we should always try to keep the bathroom clean so that the others after us can also have a pleasant and clean experience. At the end of articles, the writer offers some tips to keep the bathroom clean as well.


  We don’t really talk about them. We act like they’re taboo. But I go to the bathroom, and so do all of you. And since we all use them, we should be aware. You like it clean, and others also care. So, if you sprinkle when you tinkle, please be neat and wipe the seat. If you mess, please understand. Clean it up and wash your hands.

  It doesn’t matter who you are, at some point of the day you’ll probably have to visit the bathroom. As someone who has had the privilege to travel all over the world, I have also experienced many kinds of bathrooms. Sometimes these bathrooms have taken some getting used to. Like squatter toilets and showers without doors in Taiwan or bathrooms in rural parts of Indonesia where you flush the toilet and shower yourself with a bucket and a scoop. Other times they are so advanced that you end up visiting the bathroom just to experience the technology. The public toilets in Japan, for example, greet you in a cheery voice when you open the bathroom door and clean the seat automatically before and after you use the facilities. No matter what the bathroom looks like or where in the world you find yourself. The bathroom is a place that we use for personal hygiene. As such, we should always try to keep the bathroom clean so that whoever needs to use the bathroom after us can also have a pleasant and clean experience.

  Being hygienic, free of germs and dirt, is easiest to achieve in a clean environment. Here are a few tips for keeping the bathroom clean for you and whomever else may want to use it.

* Always wash your hands after using the bathroom. Even if you only grab a tissue or brush your teeth, it is a good habit to wash your hands afterwards to avoid germs.
* Bathrooms can easily get wet, but nobody likes using a bathroom or a toilet that is covered in water. Always wipe the seat of the toilet after using it and be sure to wipe the sink if you happen to splash water on it. If you have a mop handy, you should try to clean the bathroom floor after taking a bath or a shower. This way you can avoid slipping on the wet floor. The person who uses the bathroom after you also won’t have to worry about walking across a wet floor.
* Always try to replenish towels, tissues, or soap after they run out. Even if it’s not the bathroom at your house, it’s helpful to let someone know that these things have run out. This way you might save someone when they reach out to wipe and are welcomed by a nasty surprise of no tissue paper.
* Take care not to make a mess. Remember, you are probably not the only one who needs to use the bathroom today.

  Whether at home or in public, bathrooms are usually shared spaces. Remember to respect your environment and the people around you. Try your best not to make a mess in the bathroom. And, if you do, please take care to clean after yourself. This way, we can all have a pleasant experience when taking care of our personal hygiene.

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